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Tree Maintenance.

  • By Kimberly Salyer
  • 22 Oct, 2021

Tree Pruning....

Pruning is the most common tree maintenance procedure. Although forest trees grow well with only nature’s pruning, landscape trees require a higher level of care to maintain their structural integrity and aesthetics. Pruning must be done with an understanding of tree biology because improper pruning can create lasting damage or shorten the tree’s life.
Reasons for Pruning;
 Because each cut has the potential to change the growth of the tree, no branch should be removed without a reason. Common reasons include: • Removing dead branches, improving form, and to reduce risk.
• To increase light and air penetration to the inside of the tree’s crown or to the landscape below.
• Generally, mature trees are pruned as corrective or preventive measures. Routine thinning does not necessarily improve the health of a tree. Trees produce a dense crown of leaves to manufacture the sugar used as energy for growth and development. Removal of foliage through pruning can reduce growth and stored energy reserves. Heavy pruning can be a significant health stress for the tree. When to Prune Most light, routine pruning to remove weak, dead, or diseased limbs can be accomplished at any time during the year with little effect on the tree.
 As a rule, growth and wound closure are maximized if pruning takes place before the spring growth flush. Some trees, such as maples and birches, tend to “bleed” if pruned early in the spring. It may be unsightly, but it is of little consequence to the tree.
Heavy pruning of live tissue just after the spring growth flush should be avoided, especially on weak trees. At that time, trees have just expended a great deal of energy to produce foliage and early shoot growth. Removal of a large percentage of foliage at that time can stress the tree. A few tree diseases, such as oak wilt, can be spread through pruning wounds and provide access to pathogens (diseasecausing agents). Susceptible trees should not be pruned during active transmission periods.
How Much Should Be Pruned? The amount of live tissue that should be removed depends on the tree’s size, species, age, and pruning objectives. Younger trees tolerate the removal of a higher percentage of living tissue better than mature trees. Generally, no more than 25% of the crown should be removed at once, and less for mature trees. Removal of a single, large-diameter limb can create a wound that may not be able to close. Care should be taken to meet pruning objectives.
Making Proper Pruning Cuts
A correct pruning cut removes the branch just outside of the collar. Do not make cuts flush to the trunk. Trunk tissues above and below a flush cut branch often die, creating dead spots. If a collar has grown out on a dead limb, make the cut just beyond the collar. Do not cut the collar. There are many outside considerations that make it necessary to prune trees such as: safety, clearance, and compatibility with other components of a landscape. Proper pruning, with an understanding of tree biology, can maintain good tree health and structure while enhancing the aesthetic and economic values of our landscapes.  

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By 7054336763 March 30, 2023

Spring is a great time to have your trees trimmed, as it is the time when most trees are beginning to emerge from their winter dormancy and start growing again. Here are some ASAP Tree Pros spring tree trimming tips to consider:

  1. Identify the trees that need trimming: Not all trees require trimming. Observe your trees to identify the ones that require trimming. Look for broken, diseased, or dead branches, crossed or rubbing branches, or any other potential hazards.

  2. Hire a professional tree servicelike, ASAP Tree Pros Inc.,  While DIY tree trimming may seem like a good idea, it can be dangerous and result in improper pruning techniques that could harm the tree. Hire a professional tree service with experienced and certified arborists to do the job safely and correctly.

  3. Timing is key: Trimming trees during the growing season can promote healthy growth and flowering, but it is important to trim them before the new growth becomes too dense. Late winter or early spring, before new buds begin to form, is an ideal time for most trees.

  4. Trim for health and safety: The primary goal of tree trimming is to maintain the health and safety of the tree. Focus on removing any dead or diseased branches, improving the tree's structure, and removing any branches that pose a hazard to people or property.

  5. Avoid over-trimming: Avoid removing more than 25% of a tree's canopy as this can stress the tree and cause long-term damage. Trim only what is necessary to maintain the tree's health and safety.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your trees receive the proper care they need to thrive and remain healthy for years to come.

By 7054336763 February 22, 2023

Winter is always a challenging time for landscape trees in Northern Illinois. One of the most significant and lasting impacts of winter on trees is ice and snow damage. Events such as this week’s ice storm in northern lower Michigan coated trees with up to half an inch of ice. This amount of ice can weigh down tree branches and cause significant breakage. Often the weight of ice results in high crown breakage, though trees can also split or lose major limbs.

Once the weather warms up, homeowners can begin to venture outside and assess the damage from the storm. Proper pruning and care of damaged trees is important for safety and for long-term health of the trees. If damaged trees are not properly pruned, several problems may ensue. Trees may experience severe dieback, resulting in dead limbs that could fall later.

Some trees may also produce prolific sprouts or suckers along limbs that have been damaged. These newly formed limbs are often weak and poorly attached to the tree and may be prone to failure during future storms. Broken limbs that are hung up in trees are a hazard since they may fall later. Lastly, proper pruning and tree care can help to reduce the likelihood that broken limbs will become infected with disease pathogens that can further damage or kill the tree.

By 7054336763 March 29, 2021
Pros and Cons of Stump Grinding
Are you cutting down a tree on your property and wondering what to do with the stump? Understanding the pros and cons of stump grinding allows you to make a more informed decision about this common landscaping issue.
Pro – Quick and Efficient
It often takes only hours to cut down a tree, and this work is required when storm damage, disease or age hits your tree. Stump removal presents a variety of options ranging from stump grinding to chemical application or even using the old stump within your landscape design. Applying chemicals to an existing stump takes time and the correct process, often requiring attention and work by the homeowner over several weeks, months or even years. Stump grinding, when completed by the experts at ASAP Tree Pros Inc., is quick – often just a few hours – and efficient, leaving only a pile of useful wood chips or sawdust behind.
Con – An Investment is Required
Hiring a stump grinding contractor does cost more than many chemical products on the market due to the speed and efficiency offered. Consider this an investment in your overall landscape and remember that hiring a pro will result in the ideal landscape for your family’s enjoyment and safety.
Pro – Environmentally Wise
ASAP Tree Pros Inc. Tree & Landscape Company
use state of the art equipment to tackle stumps of any size and reduce them to a pile of chips without disturbing the surrounding landscape. Leaving a stump to rot or applying chemicals to the area could result in the introduction of disease and other unwanted elements into your property. Why take the risk? Having a stump ground down to just 8 to 10 inches below the surface allows for sod to be laid over the area. Ask your contractor to grind deeper if you plan to replant over the old stump.
Con – A Potentially Messy Process
Hire the professionals of  to limit any mess. Consider whether you can make use of the resulting wood chips as mulch or ask about complete removal. Remember to talk to your neighbors about this project beforehand and keep the path clear for stump grinding equipment to ensure your project goes smoothly.
Pro – A Clean Slate
Stump grinding provides the quickest path to a clean slate in your yard. Plan a new landscaping project around the area or simply look forward to more lush grass once the pros have cleaned everything up and you will not regret the time and money invested in professional stump grinding services.
By 7019761375 December 30, 2017
There are many reasons to trim trees in the greater Rockford Il area. We arent called the "Forest City" for nothing. Give us a call to set up your free appointment.
By 7019761375 December 19, 2017
Call the professionals of ASAP Tree Pros today for a free inspection of your tree. Our knowledge and experience will help you make the decision to remove your tree, or if it is worth saving.
By 7019761375 December 19, 2017
Identifying hazards for your trees.
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